
Friday, February 29, 2008

Content Objective: The learner will apply conventions of grammar and language usage; the reader will respond to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes; study the characteristics of literary genres (drama) through reading a variety of literature (play).

Language Objective: Discuss elements of literature after reading/performing a play.

Essential Question: In order to bring the printed word "to life" in the mind of the reader, what can an author (and reader) do?

Rough drafts of the career research paper were collected today. Then, students were given a copy of the play Pygmalion. Before reading we discussed the cockney accent and, using the overhead projector, I gave them some sentences to read aloud. Some examples were from Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan of the Apes. Students were then asked to read the play and answer the 9 reading comprehension questions which followed. Next, some read an article about a contemporary actress now playing the role of Eliza and worked a vocabulary puzzle. We then assigned roles to students and read the play aloud. As almost always, readers theatre was enjoyed by almost all. Now that I think about it, it would have been fun to have a cockney accent contest. Instead of having them read the play alone, we should have just acted out the story first. That would serve my goal of getting them involved on a more personal level. I found a way to get certain students involved who needed to be, yet there are still those being missed. Are more roles needed? Three short plays with each student taking a role? That might work.
The accents were fun. Next month, while we study the use of dialect, students can write and perform their own plays in dialect. That will kill two birds with one stone.

Homework: SSR.


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Content Objective: 2.02 Create a research product in both written and presentational form.

Language Objective: Generate questions about the research process.

Essential Question: How will I support my thesis statement?

Today's class was devoted to research in the media center. I encouraged students to use intriguing or unusual facts to add interest to their research papers. I think the next time I have students create a research paper, I will have a competition to see who can find the most sources. That will hopefully inspire creative thinking and spur the students to stretch a little . Great progress was made; some students completed their first drafts and began creating PowerPoint presentations for next week. The rough draft is due on Friday, February 29, 2008.

Homework: Continue research; SSR.


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Content Objective: 2.02 Create a research product in both written and presentational form.

Language Objective: Generate questions about the research process.

Essential Question: How will I support my thesis statement?

Today's class was devoted to research in the classroom. In addition to using our sources from the media center, I encouraged students to use other sources such as a dictionary for a definition (old reliable) and to search for intriguing or unusual facts to add interest to their research papers. One student created questions for an interview. His career choice is gravedigger and his questions will cover the benefits, working conditions, and problems faced in the job. Great progress was made. The rough draft is due on Friday, February 29, 2008.

Homework: Continue research; SSR.

The Classroom Blog


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Content Objective: 2.02 Create a research product in both written and presentational form.

Language Objective: Generate questions about the research process.

Essential Question: How will I support my thesis statement?

Today's class was devoted to research in the media center. In addition to using online sources, I encouraged students to use our encyclopedias and almanacs to search for facts to add interest to their research papers. As a result, converstaions were lively and progress was made.

Homework: Continue research; SSR.


Monday, February 25, 2008

Content Objective: 2.02 Create a research product in both written and presentational form.

Language Objective: Generate questions about the research process.

Essential Question: How will I support my thesis statement?

Today's class was devoted to research. Prior to allowing access to the collection of books pulled by the media center, the students received a format sheet for their research paper. It lays out the paper step by step. If they fill in the blanks, the paper will virtually write itself. I also gave the students a packet of information concerning the research process that should help. Several students who had been floundering at the end of last week made progress today.

Homework: Continue research; SSR.