
Friday, January 25, 2008

Language Goal: Discuss elements of literature and demonstrate mastery of new vocabulary.

Content Goal: The learner will respond to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes.

Essential Questions: Why do the Socs like the Beatles while the Greasers like Elvis? What is the point that S.E. Hinton is trying to make with this statement? Do authors use stereotypes? Why?

Today we continued reading The Outsiders and demonstrated mastery of the new vocabulary via a quiz. The classes watched a variety of media clips concerning Beatlemania; this was done to provide background knowledge, establish a "baseline" of shared experience, and provide entertainment. Not to mention in order to attempt to cultivate an appreciation of American cultural history!

Homework: none


Thursday, January 24, 2008

Language Goal: Discuss elements of literature and practice new vocabulary.

Content Goal: The learner will respond to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes.

Essential Question: Can I put myself into the place of the main character of The Outsiders?

Today we continued reading The Outsiders and continued practice of the new vocabulary. Students completed a cloze story in which they found themselves in a similar predicament faced by Ponyboy. Students enjoyed reading their stories and listening to each other. I tried an exercise with one class in the media center; they conducted a guided Google News search whose purpose was to show the extent the new vocabulary is used frequently and widely in today's media.

Homework: Continue to study and practice new vocabulary; quiz on Friday.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Language Goal: Discuss elements of literature and practice new vocabulary.

Content Goal: The learner will respond to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes.

Essential Question: To what degree do I feel comfortable using these new vocabulary words? What can I do to improve?

Today’s two hour delay gave me the opportunity to conduct a Google search for images to help students comprehend the new vocabulary words. It was so successful that I plan to replicate it tomorrow with a class in the media center. Today, we continued reading and discussing The Outsiders. Students presented their comic strip homework assignment using the Elmo document projector; although there were too many students in a few classes who failed to complete the assignment, 90% my third class had a product to share. The students laughed, and sometimes groaned, at their use of the new vocabulary words.

Homework: Complete the crossword puzzle for The Outsiders and the Wanted Poster for Ponyboy and Johnny; continue to study and practice new vocabulary.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Content Goal: The learner will respond to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes.

Language Goal: Use new vocabulary to express humor.

Essential Question: How can I make new vocabulary words mine?

Today, after a recap of the story to refresh our memories after a five day break from school, we jumped right back into The Outsiders. I pointed out the various ways S.E. Hinton uses ellipses: to indicate a pause when the speaker is unsure of what to say, out of breath, or just trailing off a sentence to let the reader "fill in the blanks." We added ten new vocabulary words from The Outsiders to our vocabulary notebooks.

Homework: use six of the ten vocabulary words to create dialogue in six different comic strips. Students get to "speak" via other characters while getting an opportunity to be creative and funny as they author comic strips to share in class tomorrow.



I've created this place in order to facilitate communication between students, parents, and me, the classroom teacher. Educators and parents recognize the value of regular communication; it keeps parents involved in what's happening in their student's classroom and this involvement improves student achievement.

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