
Friday, February 15, 2008

Content Objective: The learner will apply conventions of grammar and language usage; the reader will respond to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes; use the stance of the critic to review.

Language Objective: Discuss elements of literature in general and The Outsiders in particular.

Essential Question: What is my reaction to The Outsiders and in which manner do I share my personal reaction?

Today, after a reading comprehension quiz, students had a chance to read independently; some read the News and Record while others read their own books. Students had the opportunity to post their reviews of The Outsiders to our blog. We also practiced writing analogies and had the chance to perform another readers theatre; this time it was "The Princess Mouse." The students who were given the Kate Chopin short story to read and consider yesterday were given a reading comprehension quiz.

Homework: SSR and enjoy the three-day weekend.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Content Objective: The learner will apply conventions of grammar and language usage; the reader will respond to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes; use the stance of the critic to review.

Language Objective: Discuss elements of literature in general and The Outsiders in particular.

Essential Question: What is my reaction to The Outsiders and in which manner do I share my personal reaction?

Today in class students had the opportunity to write their review of The Outsiders and post it to our blog. We also practiced analogies and had the chance to perform another readers theatre. Some students were given a Kate Chopin short story to read and consider.

Homework: SSR


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Content Objective: The learner will apply conventions of grammar and language usage; the reader will respond to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes; use the stance of the critic to review.

Language Objective: Discuss elements of literature in general and The Outsiders in particular; speek in front of the class to present The Outsiders newspaper project.

Essential Question: What is my reaction to The Outsiders and in which manner do I share my personal reaction?

Today in class students presented their Outsiders frontpage. We also discussed different ways to say "said" and practiced by creating a list using the alphabet; this was followed by a new game called "He Said, She Said Smackdown" in which the first student to call out an alternative to "said" would get a ticket out of the classroom. Other students learned new vocabulary words from The Pigman via visuals in a Powerpoint presentation and used them to write a breakup letter. Three classes performed "More Than a Match" readers theatre; it's sometimes remarkable to observe how students respond to a chance to perform for their peers.

Homework: SSR


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Content Objective: The reader will respond to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes; use the stance of the critic to review; analyze and evaluate informational materials that are read and viewed.

Language Objective: Discuss elements of literature in general and The Outsiders in particular; use the peer review process and share progress on The Outsiders newspaper project.

Essential Question: Can I clarify, illustrate, and expand on a response when aked to do so?

Today in class students either worked toward completion of their Outsiders frontpage or wrote their reviews of the novel to post to our blog. We also discussed different ways to say "said" and practiced by creating a list using the alphabet; this list was the ticket out of the classroom to get to lunch.

Homework: SSR; Outsiders Newspaper Front Page

To demonstrate your ability to interpret, analyze, and evaluate the various literary elements found in The Outsiders, you will create a product in which you summarize information, draw inferences, generate questions, and extend ideas. In order to take advantage of peer review, you will create a rough draft of your articles before adding them to your newspaper. Materials will be provided.

Your front page will have:

Newspaper name, date, city, and state 5 pts.

Article that summarizes a major event from the novel which 30 pts.

-uses an effective headline-answers the 5 W’s (who, what, where, when, and why)
-includes an illustration with caption

Editorial in which you take a position on the question 30pts.
of who was to blame for the death of Johnny and which
-has a title-clearly states your position
-includes supporting details

Article that contains an interview with the character of your choice 30 pts.
-has a title-includes at least four questions and answers
-demonstrates the ability to generate relevant questions
-correctly uses quotation marks

An advertisement or classified ad that in some way relates to the novel 5 pts.

You will have time in class to work on this project; however, it may require additional work outside of class. Please plan and use your time wisely.The final product is due at the beginning of class on Wednesday, February 13, 2008.


Monday, February 11, 2008

Content Objective: The reader will respond to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes; use the stance of the critic to review; analyze and evaluate informational materials that are read and viewed.

Language Objective: Discuss elements of literature in general and The Outsiders in particular; use the peer review process and share progress on The Outsiders newspaper project.

Essential Question: Can I clarify, illustrate, and expand on a response when aked to do so?

Today in class we completed watching The Outsiders film. Next, we went to the Media Center for checkout/return; several students took the The Outsiders Accelerated Reader test. I was somewhat disappointed with the scores, but I believe the wording of the questions bears some of the blame. Finally, we returned to the classroom to continue work on the newspaper project.

Homework: Expository paper; or

The Outsiders Newspaper Front Page

To demonstrate your ability to interpret, analyze, and evaluate the various literary elements found in The Outsiders, you will create a product in which you summarize information, draw inferences, generate questions, and extend ideas. In order to take advantage of peer review, you will create a rough draft of your articles before adding them to your newspaper. Materials will be provided.

Your front page will have:

Newspaper name, date, city, and state 5 pts.

Article that summarizes a major event from the novel which 30 pts.
-uses an effective headline
-answers the 5 W’s (who, what, where, when, and why)
-includes an illustration with caption

Editorial in which you take a position on the question 30 pts.
of who was to blame for the death of Johnny and which
-has a title
-clearly states your position
-includes supporting details

Article that contains an interview with the character of your choice 30 pts.
-has a title
-includes at least four questions and answers
-demonstrates the ability to generate relevant questions
-correctly uses quotation marks

An advertisement or classified ad that in some way relates to the novel 5 pts.

You will have time in class to work on this project; however, it may require additional work outside of class. Please plan and use your time wisely.
The final product is due at the beginning of class on Wednesday, February 13, 2008.