
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Content Objective: The learner will apply conventions of grammar and language usage; the reader will respond to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes; use the stance of the critic to review.

Language Objective: Discuss elements of literature in general and The Outsiders in particular; speek in front of the class to present The Outsiders newspaper project.

Essential Question: What is my reaction to The Outsiders and in which manner do I share my personal reaction?

Today in class students presented their Outsiders frontpage. We also discussed different ways to say "said" and practiced by creating a list using the alphabet; this was followed by a new game called "He Said, She Said Smackdown" in which the first student to call out an alternative to "said" would get a ticket out of the classroom. Other students learned new vocabulary words from The Pigman via visuals in a Powerpoint presentation and used them to write a breakup letter. Three classes performed "More Than a Match" readers theatre; it's sometimes remarkable to observe how students respond to a chance to perform for their peers.

Homework: SSR