
Monday, February 11, 2008

Content Objective: The reader will respond to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes; use the stance of the critic to review; analyze and evaluate informational materials that are read and viewed.

Language Objective: Discuss elements of literature in general and The Outsiders in particular; use the peer review process and share progress on The Outsiders newspaper project.

Essential Question: Can I clarify, illustrate, and expand on a response when aked to do so?

Today in class we completed watching The Outsiders film. Next, we went to the Media Center for checkout/return; several students took the The Outsiders Accelerated Reader test. I was somewhat disappointed with the scores, but I believe the wording of the questions bears some of the blame. Finally, we returned to the classroom to continue work on the newspaper project.

Homework: Expository paper; or

The Outsiders Newspaper Front Page

To demonstrate your ability to interpret, analyze, and evaluate the various literary elements found in The Outsiders, you will create a product in which you summarize information, draw inferences, generate questions, and extend ideas. In order to take advantage of peer review, you will create a rough draft of your articles before adding them to your newspaper. Materials will be provided.

Your front page will have:

Newspaper name, date, city, and state 5 pts.

Article that summarizes a major event from the novel which 30 pts.
-uses an effective headline
-answers the 5 W’s (who, what, where, when, and why)
-includes an illustration with caption

Editorial in which you take a position on the question 30 pts.
of who was to blame for the death of Johnny and which
-has a title
-clearly states your position
-includes supporting details

Article that contains an interview with the character of your choice 30 pts.
-has a title
-includes at least four questions and answers
-demonstrates the ability to generate relevant questions
-correctly uses quotation marks

An advertisement or classified ad that in some way relates to the novel 5 pts.

You will have time in class to work on this project; however, it may require additional work outside of class. Please plan and use your time wisely.
The final product is due at the beginning of class on Wednesday, February 13, 2008.