
Friday, February 8, 2008

Content Objective: The reader will respond to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes; use the stance of the critic to review; analyze and evaluate informational materials that are read and viewed.

Language Objective: Discuss elements of literature in general and The Outsiders in particular; discuss the problems in making a movie from a book.

Essential Question: What is the purpose of an expository paper?

Today in class we nearly completed watching The Outsiders film. First drafts of the expository paper were returned. I began planning for our next unit: The Research Paper. I also planned a few extra items to coincide with Valentine's Day and Washington's birthday. The Boosters' Dance and Faculty Student basketball games were held tonight. It was a lot of fun and made me think of the way communities must have been: families gathering at the local schoolhouse for an event. Miss Shumaker and IO took a lot of pictures for the news show/yearbook, but what made the night even better was watching the boys repeatedly sink three pointers in order to come from behind and notch their first win of the year!

Homework: Continue work on The Outsiders frontpage project'expository paper; self-selected reading.