
Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Content Objective: The reader will respond to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes.

Language Objective: Discuss elements of literature in general and The Outsiders in particular.

Essential Question: How does one use quotation marks to signify speech in print?

Today in class we continued reading The Outsiders. We read about the aftermath of Johnny's death; the death of Dally was emotional and Ponyboy's crackup puzzling. I was pleased that so many students understood the aim of S. E. Hinton when she has Ponyboy pick up the broken glass. Students received instruction for using quotation marks. I called on students to help demonstrate their use with sample sentences from The Outsiders and the overhead projector. Then they practiced independently with assitence from me or a peer as needed; afterwards, students self-checked and self-corrected. This skill will be useful when they record their interview with a character on the newspaper frontpage project. Those students writing an expository paper examining the popularity of this novel among teens either conducted peer review and offered suggestions or grouped together with me for some targeted instruction.

Homework: First draft of expository paper or continue work on frontpage.