
Thursday, February 7, 2008

Content Objective: The reader will respond to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes; use the stance of the critic to review; analyze and evaluate informational materials that are read and viewed.

Language Objective: Discuss elements of literature in general and The Outsiders in particular; discuss the problems in making a movie from a book.

Essential Question: What are the difficulties in bringing a novel to the screen?

Today in class we completed our reading of The Outsiders. We read Johnny's letter to Ponyboy and debated its meaning for both Ponyboy and ourselves. We discussed the difficulties in making a book into a movie: it's difficult for a movie to contain everything in a book in two hours or less, some literary devices aren't able to be transfered to the visual medium, and several students expressed dislike for the voiceover. We began watching the film version and compared it to the novel. Many students were quick to spot inaccuracies in the film. First drafts of the expository paper were turned in; I will check them, add comments, and return them tomorrow.

Homework: Continue work on The Outsiders frontpage project; self-selected reading.