
Friday, February 22, 2008

Content Objective: 1.04 Reflect on learning experiences by evaluating how personal perspectives are influenced by society, cultural differences, and historical issues.

Language Objective: Learn and use new or unfamiliar English expressions.

Essential Question: How does knowledge of history, dialect, and idiomatic expressions aid in the acquisition and appreciation of language?

Today, in honor of George Washington's birthday, we watched an episode of The Andy Griffith show entitled "The Horse Trader." Before viewing, students were introduced to idiomatic expressions such as so long, stretch the truth, and a bird in this world. We also discussed historical references in the show like Teddy Roosevelt, San Juan Hill, and barrel ring. After this discussion, students chose words/phrases from the board to define and use to complete a bingo sheet. As we watched the show, students would listen for the words/phrases. The first student with a complete card was declared the winner.

Homework: Continue research; SSR.


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Content Objective: 2.02 Create a research product in both written and presentational form.

Language Objective: Generate questions about the research process.

Essential Question: What will be the outline of my thesis paper?

Today, after a short review/discussion about the thesis statement and our upcoming research project, the students continued research in the classroom. We examined the various sources of print information available, such as almanacs and books relevent to the subject area that Ms. Auman reserved for our use. Like yesterday, several students made great progress; others will have to work even harder to make up their lost time.

Homework: Continue research; SSR.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Content Objective: 2.02 Create a research product in both written and presentational form.

Language Objective: Generate questions about the research process.

Essential Question: What is my thesis statement?

Today, after a short review/discussion about the thesis statement and our upcoming research project, the students visited the Media Center to continue research. We examined the various sources of print information available, such as encyclopedias, almanacs, and books relevent to the subject area that Ms. Auman reserved for our use. Several students made great progress; others will have to make up their lost time.

Homework: Continue research; SSR.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Content Objective: 2.02 Create a research product in both written and presentational form.

Language Objective: Generate questions about the research process.

Essential Question: What is involved in writing a good research paper?

Today, after a short introductory discussion about our upcoming research project, the students visited the Media Center for an informative Powerpoint presentaion by Ms. Joyner. The topics covered included how to avoid plagiarism, effective notetaking, citing sources, and MLA style. Tomorrow students will focus their thesis question and create their thesis statement.

Homework: Begin brainstorming for research topic; post review of The Outsiders on our blog by 3 pm Wednesday.