
Friday, May 2, 2008

Content Objective: 1.02 Analyze expressive materials that are read by monitoring comprehension for understanding. 1.03 Interact in group activities and/or seminars in which the student shares personal reactions to questions raised and gives reasons and cites examples from text in support of expressed opinions.

Language Objective: Join small group discussion about a reading passage and corresponding questions.

Essential Question: Are my reading comprehension skills improving?

Today, after we discussed and checked last night's homework, we read a comprehension passage and we answered questions concerning such topics as main idea, summary, conflict, prediction, etc. We then screened finished commercials depicting propaganda techniques. The last class took advantage of computer lab access and worked on finalizing their commercials. The best will continue to show up here; selected ones will also be shown on our weekly news show.

Homework: SSR.


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Content Objective: 1.02 Analyze expressive materials that are read by monitoring comprehension for understanding. 1.03 Interact in group activities and/or seminars in which the student shares personal reactions to questions raised and gives reasons and cites examples from text in support of expressed opinions.

Language Objective: Join small group discussion about a reading passage and corresponding questions.

Essential Question: Are my reading comprehension skills improving?

Today, after we discussed and checked last night's homework, we read Langston Hughes' classic short story, Thank You, M'am. Afterwards, we answered a couple of questions concerning such topics as the author's use of dialect and the theme. Finally, we watched the film version.

The last two classes took advantage of computer lab access and worked on finalizing their commercials. The best will continue to show up here; selected ones will also be shown on our weekly news show.

Homework: Reading Comprehension practice #20 or For All the Rude People; SSR.


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Content Objective: 3.03 Evaluate and create arguments that persuade by establishing context, creating a persona, and developing interest; developing a controlling idea; arranging details, reasons, and examples effectively and persuasively; creating an organizing structure appropriate to purpose, audience, and context.

Language Objective: Correctly use terms related to the concept of propaganda during small group creation of commercials.

Essential Question: How can I demonstrate common propaganda techniques?

In today's class, we return to the Media Center and use MovieMaker to create video commercials that demonstrate common propaganda techniques. Using footage gathered in previous classes, students will create commercials that demonstrate bandwagon, testimonial, transfer, emotional words, and repetition.

Instructions: First, use information from our MovieMaker tutorial or go here for advice on how to create your commercial. As you begin the editing process, the value of a storyboard will become evident. Add titles and credits. Here's a place for royalty-free music; remember to give appropriate credit. After you have your commercial the way you want it, you have to go to Finish and Save to Your Computer. Save it in the G drive Apps on SERMS. Look in Barber and save your film in the Commercials 2008 folder. Work diligently; our time is limited. Commercials will be screened on Friday.

Homework: Reading comprehension practice #19; permission forms signed; SSR.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Content Objective: 3.03 Evaluate and create arguments that persuade by establishing context, creating a persona, and developing interest; developing a controlling idea; arranging details, reasons, and examples effectively and persuasively; creating an organizing structure appropriate to purpose, audience, and context.

Language Objective: Correctly use terms related to the concept of propaganda during small group creation of commercials.

Essential Question: How can I demonstrate common propaganda techniques?

In today's class, you will visit the Media Center and use MovieMaker to create video commercials that demonstrate common propaganda techniques. Using footage gathered in previous classes, you will create commercials that demonstrate bandwagon, testimonial, transfer, emotional words, and repetition.
First, use information from our MovieMaker tutorial or go here for advice on how to create your commercial. As you begin the editing process, the value of a storyboard will become evident. Add titles and credits. Here's a place for royalty-free music, but, of course, you'll give appropriate credit, right? After you have your commercial the way you want it, you have to Save to Your Computer. Save it in the G drive Apps on SERMS. Look in Barber and save your film in the Commercials 2008 folder. We will return to the Media Center tomorrow to continue. Commercials will be screened on Friday.

Homework: Reading comprehension practice #13; SSR.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Content Objective: 3.03 Evaluate and create arguments that persuade by establishing context, creating a persona, and developing interest; developing a controlling idea; arranging details, reasons, and examples effectively and persuasively; creating an organizing structure appropriate to purpose, audience, and context.

Language Objective: Correctly use terms related to the concept of propaganda during small group creation of commercials.

Essential Question: How can I demonstrate common propaganda techniques?

In today's class, you will visit the Media Center and use MovieMaker to create video commercials that demonstrate common propaganda techniques. Using footage gathered in previous classes, you will create commercials that demonstrate bandwagon, testimonial, transfer, emotional words, and repetition.

First, use information from our MovieMaker tutorial or go here for advice on how to create your commercial. As you begin the editing process, the value of a storyboard will become evident. Add titles and credits. Here's a place for royalty-free music, but, of course, you'll give appropriate credit, right? After you have your commercial the way you want it, you have to Save to Your Computer. Save it in the G drive Apps on SERMS. Look in Barber and save your film in the Commercials 2008 file. We will return to the Media Center tomorrow to continue. Commercials will be screened on Friday.

Homework: Reading comprehension practice #13; SSR.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Content Objective: 1.02 Analyze expressive materials that are read by monitoring comprehension for understanding. 1.03 Interact in group activities and/or seminars in which the student shares personal reactions to questions raised and gives reasons and cites examples from text in support of expressed opinions.

Language Objective: Join small group discussion about a reading passage and corresponding questions.

Essential Question: Are my reading comprehension skills improving?

Class began with time set aside for SSR. For students who had finished their library book or had no book to read, an ample supply of News and Record newspapers were available. We reviewed Friday's quiz topics: analogies and reading comprehension. I wrote some samples on the board and that led to discussion; students contributed and commented. We then went over the questions related to the passage. I used the document projector so that I could point to specific words, sentences, etc. This is more effective than each student trying to keep place with individual copies. We discussed strategies for answering various question topics: vocabulary using context clues, author's purpose, mood, conflict, etc. Finally, we read a short passage aloud in turns, discussed important elements, and began to answer the corresponding questions. Remaining questions will be for homework. Tomorrow we go to the computer lab to begin editing our propaganda commercials.

Homework: Reading comprehension practice #12; SSR.