
Monday, April 28, 2008

Content Objective: 1.02 Analyze expressive materials that are read by monitoring comprehension for understanding. 1.03 Interact in group activities and/or seminars in which the student shares personal reactions to questions raised and gives reasons and cites examples from text in support of expressed opinions.

Language Objective: Join small group discussion about a reading passage and corresponding questions.

Essential Question: Are my reading comprehension skills improving?

Class began with time set aside for SSR. For students who had finished their library book or had no book to read, an ample supply of News and Record newspapers were available. We reviewed Friday's quiz topics: analogies and reading comprehension. I wrote some samples on the board and that led to discussion; students contributed and commented. We then went over the questions related to the passage. I used the document projector so that I could point to specific words, sentences, etc. This is more effective than each student trying to keep place with individual copies. We discussed strategies for answering various question topics: vocabulary using context clues, author's purpose, mood, conflict, etc. Finally, we read a short passage aloud in turns, discussed important elements, and began to answer the corresponding questions. Remaining questions will be for homework. Tomorrow we go to the computer lab to begin editing our propaganda commercials.

Homework: Reading comprehension practice #12; SSR.