
Friday, April 25, 2008

Content Objective: 1.02 Analyze expressive materials that are read by monitoring comprehension for understanding. 1.03 Interact in group activities and/or seminars in which the student shares personal reactions to questions raised and gives reasons and cites examples from text in support of expressed opinions.

Language Objective: Join small group discussion about a reading passage and corresponding questions.

Essential Question: Are my reading comprehension skills improving?

Class began with a review of analogies. I wanted to remind them of yesterday's activities in which students created their own analogies. We had a quiz which contained both reading comprehension and analogy construction components. Students were asked to create analogies after only being given one out the four words needed; this type of assessment hopes to give students the opportunity to demonstrate higher level thinking more than a more traditional fill-in-the-blank exercise might.

Homework: SSR.