
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Content Goal: The learner will respond to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes.

Language Goal: Use new vocabulary to express humor.

Essential Question: How can I make new vocabulary words mine?

Today, after a recap of the story to refresh our memories after a five day break from school, we jumped right back into The Outsiders. I pointed out the various ways S.E. Hinton uses ellipses: to indicate a pause when the speaker is unsure of what to say, out of breath, or just trailing off a sentence to let the reader "fill in the blanks." We added ten new vocabulary words from The Outsiders to our vocabulary notebooks.

Homework: use six of the ten vocabulary words to create dialogue in six different comic strips. Students get to "speak" via other characters while getting an opportunity to be creative and funny as they author comic strips to share in class tomorrow.