
Friday, April 11, 2008

Content Objective: 4.01 Analyze the purpose of the author or creator and the impact of that purpose; evaluate any bias, apparent or hidden messages, emotional factors, and/or propaganda techniques; evaluate the underlying assumptions of the author/creator; and evaluate the effects of author's craft on the reader/viewer/listener.

Language Objective: Join small group and whole class discussion about propaganda components: technique (bandwagon, testimonial, transfer, emotional words, repetition), message, and target audience.

Essential Question: How do I use a storyboard to plan and shoot a commercial which demonstrates propaganda techniques while conveying a message to a target audience?

Students with a storyboard went outside to shoot their commercials depicting propaganda techniques. Students without a storyboard for their advertisement continued to work together. During the first class, we used an empty box and a school bus as our props. The next class saw sunglasses used in a demonstration of testimonial and ketchup as blood in a commercial for a CD. The third group creatively used a bottle of MiracleGro. This series of advertisements could be used in a national campaign if MiracleGro ever decides to target teens. The last class featured balloons and a new soft drink. Next week we will take a look at propaganda in the discussion/debate concerning global warming as we prepare for our trip to the coast. Afterwards, we will continue to produce student created commercials depicting the various methods of propaganda. The students will write, shoot, edit, and present their commercials to the class. The best will be shown here on our blog.

Homework: SSR.