
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Content Objective: 4.01 Analyze the purpose of the author or creator and the impact of that purpose; evaluate any bias, apparent or hidden messages, emotional factors, and/or propaganda techniques; evaluate the underlying assumptions of the author/creator; and evaluate the effects of author's craft on the reader/viewer/listener.

Language Objective: Join small group and whole class discussion about propaganda components: slogan, message, and target audience.

Essential Question: How do I create an effective slogan?

Today we began by checking the homework. After a summary of the passage, we discussed the answers to the reading comprehension questions. Next we reviewed terms related to the study of propaganda; in two classes we played a soccer-type game (using a paper plate held to the chalkboard by a magnet) between the boys and the girls. Next students were asked to create a series of new products (new car, new sandwich, new magazine, etc.) and create a slogan for each. As usual, some of the most interesting work was produced by the most unlikely sources. A teacher has to keep throwing it out there because eventually every student will take a swing. This is a prelude to our upcoming student created commercials depicting the various methods of propaganda. The students will write, shoot, edit, and present their commercials to the class. The best will be shown here on our blog.
My AIG class read chapter two from Upton Sinclair's The Jungle. Tomorrow we will discuss the author's craft.

Homework: Reading comprehension practice #3; SSR.