
Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Content Objective: 4.01 Analyze the purpose of the author or creator and the impact of that purpose; evaluate any bias, apparent or hidden messages, emotional factors, and/or propaganda techniques; evaluate the underlying assumptions of the author/creator; and evaluate the effects of author's craft on the reader/viewer/listener.
Language Objective: Join a discussion about propaganda.

Essential Question: What is propaganda?

We began with a run through of the day's News and Record; thanks to the generous sponsors of the Newspapers in Education program which provides us with a daily class set. We read the news and then used the papers to continue our introduction of Advertising and Propaganda Techniques. We will concentrate on bandwagon, testimonial, transfer, emotional words, and repetition. I'm still collecting contemporary examples to share next week. I put out the challenge and offered a prize to any student who can find advertising using a minority couple which shows a female with darker skin than the male. Try it and see.
Today I stopped into the Salvation Army on Sunset and found a copy of Norm Chomsky's book, Media Control. Merely coincidence or concrete evidence of a greater power? If you chose the former, then how do you explain the $1 tap shoes that fit my daughter perfectly? Around here, that's what we call Living Right!
Stay tuned for student created commercials depicting the various methods of propaganda.

Homework: SSR.