
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Content Objective: 1.01 Narrate a personal account which creates a coherent, organizing structure appropriate to purpose, audience, and context; establishes a point of view and sharpens focus; uses remembered feelings; and selects details that best illuminate the topic.

Language Objective: Participate in small/whole group discussion.

Essential Question: How can I improve my vocabulary and help feed some hungry people at the same time?

Today's class will take a trip to the computer lab. First, students will go to Free Rice. This is a way to feed hungry people by playing an online vocabulary game. For every word students get (or guess) right, 10 grains of rice (paid for by advertisers on the site) are donated to the United Nations World Food Program. Each student will play until 500 grains of rice have been donated. Next, go to Games for the Brain or Brain Games and choose a game or two to play. This is a fun game to play. (Please stay on these selected sites; in other words, don't go off on your own.) While students are busy at their computers, I'll be taking their pictures for their letters to next year's eighth graders. These letters will contain advice and information from those who have been through a year at the top and survived.

Homework: SSR.