
Friday, May 30.2008

Content Objective: 1.01 Narrate a personal account which creates a coherent, organizing structure appropriate to purpose, audience, and context; establishes a point of view and sharpens focus; uses remembered feelings; and selects details that best illuminate the topic.

Language Objective: Participate in small/whole group discussion.

Essential Question: What advice do I have for next year's eighth graders?

Today's class will return to the computer lab. First, students will write a letter of advice and encouragement to next year's eighth graders; pictures taken yesterday will be added to each letter. Next, students will give "awards" to their peers: Best Dressed, Most Likely to Succeed, etc.; again using the pictures from our shared folders, students will create a product to display. With any time remaining students can return to Free Rice, go to Games for the Brain, or visit Brain Games. This fun game was a hit yesterday. (Again, students are reminded to please stay on these selected sites; in other words, don't go off on your own.)

Homework: SSR.