
Monday, June 2, 2008

Content Objective: 1.02 Analyze expressive materials that are read by monitoring comprehension for understanding. 1.03 Interact in group activities and/or seminars in which the student shares personal reactions to questions raised and gives reasons and cites examples from text in support of expressed opinions.

Language Objective: Join whole class discussion about the elements of a short story.

Essential Question: What are common storytelling elements?

Today we continued the study and enjoyment of language arts. We reviewed terms like protagonist, antagonist, quest, conflict, and resolution in the context of a dramatic short story. The basis for our discussion was The Princess Bride, a book by William Goldman. I have long wanted to read the novel with AG students; however, I only had one copy of the book and it was borrowed long ago and never returned. We watched the beginning of the film version of The Princess Bride; it was enjoyed by all. Hopefully, some students will be inspired by the film to read the book on their own.

Homework: SSR.