
Monday, January 28, 2008

Language Goal: Interpret and evaluate a wide range of information; use media technology for informational purposes.

Content Goal: 1.03 Interact in group activities/seminars in which the student shares personal reactions to questions raised.

Essential Question: What do you want to do in the next 10 years and what decisions need to be made now in order for you to reach your goal?

Today's class was spent in the computer lab with our eighth grade counselor, Ms. Hall. Students heard a presentation about the benefits of Early College at Randolph Community College. Students were asked to begin writing a short essay about their interest in Early College. Students also learned about choices awaiting them in high school and created a personal account at the College Foundation of North Carolina. Time remaining in the class was spent virtually visiting various colleges around the state. The costs of tuition and room and board elicited the loudest reaction.

Homework: Begin working on the Early College essay. Bonus: watch tonight's State of the Union Address.