
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Language Goal: Discuss elements of literature.

Content Goal: The learner will respond to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes.

Essential Question: Do certain themes recur through works of literature/drama??

Today in class we resumed our reading of The Outsiders. We are nearing the end of the novel and the tone is getting pretty somber. Students are genuinely affected by this novel, and that's one reason I include it on the year's reading list. We finished reading the play American Pastime. The headline of today's News and Record contained one of our new vocabulary words! It read "Edwards Supporters Aghast" and it was a nice coincidence considering teachers are constantly endeavoring to tie their instruction to the "real world." We also viewed a clip from West Side Story. Apart from the aim of strengthening cultural bonds in the American community, I wanted us to discuss common themes that run throughout in literature/drama. As always, the dancing proved an insurmountable obstacle for some students; however, most seemed to enjoy the action involving the gangs and were able to easily relate it to the action in The Outsiders.

Homework: Self-selected reading.