
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Language Goal: Discuss elements of literature.

Content Goal: The learner will respond to various literary genres using interpretive and evaluative processes.

Essential Questions: What are the elements of drama? What are the ways in which an author manipulate the reader's feelings?

Today in class we resumed our reading of The Outsiders. One activity in a few of the classes was a sort of Summary Popcorn in which students took turns retelling the story so far. This served dual purposes: give students a chance to retell the story in their own words and refresh the memories of students who may have forgotten or missed class since we last read. It was encouraging to see the excitement and energy of students as they eagerly retold the story. We also read a play from Scope magazine entitled American Pastime. This was done today in order to prepare students for tomorrow's activity: Readers Theatre using key scenes from The Outsiders.

Homework: Self-selected reading.