
Monday, March 3, 2008

Content Objectives: 2.02 Create a research product in both written and presentational form by researching and organizing information to achieve purpose. 6.02 Continue to identify and edit errors in written English.

Language Objective: Generate questions during the research process, and discuss the returned rough draft.

Essential Question: How will I support my thesis statement and create an effective presentation?

After a quick review of Pygmalion from Friday and a discussion of the reading comprehension questions, today's class continued research in the media center. I returned the rough drafts with comments, and students began rewriting their papers. The majority of the problems in the rough drafts concerned the use of documented facts, citing sources, tone, and spelling. I'm beginning to think the index card method of writing a research paper has merit; several students would benefit from being able to see and manipulate the position of their collected research.

Homework: SSR; final draft and presentation due Friday, February 7, 2008.