
Thursday, March 6, 2008

Content Objectives: 2.02 Create a research product in both written and presentational form by researching and organizing information to achieve purpose. 6.02 Continue to identify and edit errors in written English.

Language Objective: Generate questions during the research process, and discuss the returned rough draft.

Essential Question: How will I support my thesis statement and create an effective presentation?

Today's class continued research in the media center. While some students worked to complete their final draft, many students continued work on their PowerPoint presentation for Friday. Today was busy: we had spring pictures, a tornado drill, and a sixth grade writing test.

Mr. Smith, President of MainSales Design Incorporated in Asheboro, NC replied to my invitation to speak to my students during our upcoming unit on advertising and propaganda techniques.

Homework: SSR; final draft and presentation due Friday, February 7, 2008.