
Monday, March 17, 2008

Today you will work with a partner to create a series of illustrated similes in a PowerPoint slideshow to be shared on our classroom blog.

See an example below.

Step one: Work with your partner and write three similes. Use an animal for the first one, either the word "happy" or "mad" for the second one, and use your creativity for the third.

Step two: Open a new PowerPoint project and make one slide for each simile. Add a title slide and a slide for your credits. Use either clipart or images from pics4learning. (No free search.)

This will appear on our blog, so remember to check your spelling and keep it clean.

Save your PowerPoint file where you can find it.

Step three: Go to SlideShare and log in. Username: serms_student. Password: titans.

Step four: Upload your slideshow.

Step five: Check out the work of other serms_students on SlideShare.

Content Objective: 5.01 Increase fluency, comprehension, and insight through a meaningful and comprehensive literacy program by leading small group discussions, discussing the effects of such literary devices as figurative language, and extending understanding by creating products for different purposes, different audiences, and within various contexts.

Language Objective: Participate in the small group discussion necessary for the creation of a simile PowerPoint slideshow to be posted online.

Essential Question: Is this an example of the future of education?

Homework: SSR.