
Monday, March 10, 2008

Content Objectives: 2.02 Create a research product in both written and presentational form by: researching and organizing information to achieve purpose, selecting presentational format, using notes and/or memory aids, and employing charts and diagrams to enhance communication.6.02 Continue to identify and edit errors in written and spoken English.

Language Objective: Make a verbal presentation, and generate questions during the presentation process.

Essential Question: How will I make an effective presentation of my research?

After a trip to the media center for checkout, students who were either off-campus or unprepared on Friday presented their research projects today. Two classes reviewed usage rules for quotation marks. In anticipation for a Scrabulous lesson I devised last night, I introduced the concept of Scrabble by giving the students the task to work in pairs to find as many words as possible from a scrambled seven letter word. The class took to it and had fun; the unverified record was 53 words made from the letters in climate.

Homework: Complete quotation marks usage practice; SSR