
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Content Objectives: 6.01 Model an understanding of conventional written and spoken expression. 6.02 Continue to identify and edit errors in written and spoken English.
Language Objective: With a partner, discuss and create dialogue for various characters.

Essential Question: How are quotation marks used?

Today in class, a review of quotation marks began with a demonstration using PowerPoint. Students gave answers and discussed the proper usage. Then they found partners and were given the choice of characters for whom to create dialogue: Eli Manning/Tom Brady & Tyler Hansbrough/Coach K, Batman/Superman & Bart/Homer, or Molly Cyrus/Joe Jonas & Chris Brown/Rihanna. The emphasis was to be on punctuaton, but some students got too involved with the dialogue. As is common in an eighth grade classroom, the humor was sometimes crude (but funny). Students performed their dialogues for the class.

Homework: The Cay reading comprehension practice; SSR.