
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Content Objective: 3.03 Evaluate and create arguments that persuade by: understanding the importance of the engagement of audience, developing a controlling idea that makes a clear and knowledgeable judgment, arranging details, reasons, and examples effectively and persuasively, anticipating and addressing reader concerns and counterarguments, and creating an organizing structure appropriate to purpose, audience, and context.

Language Objective: Participate in the process of creating a persuasive argument while in pairs and small groups.

Essential Question: Can I create an argument so effective that my teacher will allow my class to watch the ACC Tournament on TV tomorrow afternoon?

Today's class discussed how to be persuasive. First, we tried the Word Splash activity again. This time "ACC Tournament" was surrounded by words like education, motivation, peace, America, etc. and student pairs made their own connections. Next, students worked together in small groups brainstorming supporting details for a persuasive argument, anticipating counter-arguments, and preparing rebuttals. Participation levels were high because students had both a clear purpose and an audience which was well-known. This is a great assignment to generate quality writing samples from across the classroom spectrum.

Homework: SSR.